

Choose a service to schedule

In Person Sessions

In Person: Energy Healing & Intuitive Guidance - $165
Energy healing, intuitive insights/guidance, sound and vibrational healing to help heal and empower your life.

Online Sessions

Online: Discovery Call
Sign up for a free 15-minute call to ask questions and learn more. Sessions are via Zoom or phone. If you prefer a phone call, please indicate in the comments when you sign up and make sure to include your phone number.
Online: Akashic Records Reading - $125
This online 45-minute session includes an energy healing meditation and clarity about your soul’s journey.
Online: Energy Healing & Intuitive Guidance - $165
Energy healing and intuitive insights and guidance to heal and find clarity.
Online: Channeled Guidance - $165
Are you in need of guidance, answers, and insights about a particular issue or situation? Let's connect to your higher self and go straight to the source to find a new perspective and understanding.
Online: Brainspotting with Energy Healing - $195
Brainspotting session to help clear, shift or heal anything that is physical, emotional, or mental and includes deep energy work.

Online Reiki & Energy Intuitive Classes

Online: Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master Training - $700
Class dates: June 19, 20, and 21. This is a 3-day online intensive practitioner and teacher master class for Holy Fire®III Karuna Reiki®. Sign up for Day 1 and after registration has closed you will be added to the other two class days.

Within 24 hours of registration, a follow up email will be sent to request your preference on class manual format and further details.

Package Offerings

Online: Illuminate Your Purpose - 3 session package - $500
This online 3 session package is a special offer that takes you through true illumination to understand the deeper meaning of your soul's journey by focusing the energy healing of your current being, revealing what your soul's desired experience in this lifetime by reviewing your astrological birth chart, followed by diving into your akashic records and asking the big questions.

How to schedule your sessions:
This selection will be your first Energy Healing and Intuitive Insight session.
Links to schedule your remaining 2 sessions will be included in the confirmation and reminder email.
Directions 1908 East Republican Street, Seattle, WA, USA